How to Love Yourself First | Rediscovery Mom Series

Can you sit there and truly say, “I love myself” without any caveats? If not, don’t feel bad. Not many SAHM can. Typically the statement goes more like, I love my kids, I love my family, I love my house… no self-love. Loving your family and your life are important, but you can’t know how powerful that love can really be until you find out how to love yourself first.

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[bctt tweet=”Stop taking the negative comments and put-downs as the value of your worth. Learn how to love yourself first and that no one else defines your worth!” username=”diyadulation”]

For a very long time, I didn’t love myself. I still struggle with self-love. Why? Because it’s not something that’s programmed into me. I have taken the years of negative comments, put-downs, and hatred as the value of my worth instead of realizing that no one else defines my worth but me.

Additionally, I didn’t realize that those few who spread that negativity around are truly the ones lacking. I live my life trying to be kind and life other people up. It’s an important core value. The people slinging insults and put-downs at me are saying something much more telling of their character than mine.


Red Toy Sports Car Outside with text overlay - Minivan Analogy

Minivan Analogy

So why does it affect us so much? I believe it is because we’ve never taken the time to discover our truth and take personal responsibility for our lives. If someone tells me that my minivan is a sports car, I wouldn’t take it personally or question whether or not my van is a sports car. No, I’d simply think, “Okay, you have fun believing that,” and go about my life.

Why? Because I know that my vehicle is, in fact, a black minivan and no amount of telling me otherwise will make it less true.

Imagine having that same confidence in your sense of self. The confidence of knowing your worth and your ownership no matter what others say to the contrary. That’s pretty powerful and it starts with personal responsibility.


Blank Sheet of Paper next to Teal Pencil with text overlay - Inventory of Wrongs

Taking an Inventory of Wrongs

This is the first step to truly freeing yourself. Pull out your journal and write down every instance you can think of where someone wronged you. This can be a long or as short as you want. I do believe that if it is an experience or animosity that still tightens your stomach to this day, it definitely should go on the list.

Please note that this is not my original idea. It is something that is done at Al Anon to help family members. I was first exposed to it on Kate Anthony’s podcast, The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast. I cannot recommend enough that you listen to the episode about personal responsibility. Her example for this is truly brilliant and inspiring.

Own Your Part

After you have your list of wrongs, it’s time to think about what role you played in those events. Again, if you are struggling with this I totally recommend you listen to Kate’s podcast episode. After listening you’ll be convinced that if she can do it, anyone can.

Here are some examples from my own life to help you out, too:


When my parents got divorced, my mom started going out and partying a lot. I felt abandoned and unloved.

My Responsibility:

I never articulated these feelings to her at the time. I was angry, hurt, and depressed that she didn’t just know how much pain I was in. In addition to that, I also didn’t take any time or energy to think about it from her point of view.


I was once drugged and raped at a party.

My Responsibility:

I did not know the guy I went to the party with (he was a friend of a friend) and I didn’t know anyone at the party. I should not have even gone, let alone had anything to drink.



Woman Writing on Papers next to Coffee Mug with text overlay - Define Yourself

Determine Your Own Definition

Once you can honestly identify your personal responsibility in your life, you feel empowered. It truly sets you free so that you can define your own self-worth and do it with love and acceptance. Not one of us is perfect, but you always know when you’re being true to your core.

Take a moment to write down a glowing description of yourself. It can only be positive. Find at least one physical, personality, and cultural trait that you truly love about yourself without caveats. This is the time for self adulation because guess what: none of those things that have happened to you define you. They only served to shape you and to teach you. A life without mistakes isn’t a life.


Polka Dot Heart on Brick Wall with text overlay - How to Love Yourself First

As you go through the journey of rediscovery after marriage and motherhood, go back and add to your definition. Continue to add to it as you learn more about yourself. Use it as your tangible guide for how to love yourself first. Know that you are smart, funny, strong, powerful, independent, and capable no matter what anyone else tells you.

Calling a minivan a sports car doesn’t make it true and someone telling you that you’re something you’re not is the same way. As with all things, this strength, fortitude, and self love get stronger with practice. Know your truth and let go of your past.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 

DIY Watercolor Positive Affirmation Cards

Do you often catch yourself saying negative statements to and about yourself? What if there was a pretty tool that was not only beautiful to look at but also helped improve your self esteem? That is exactly what these DIY watercolor positive affirmation cards are!

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Collage of Positive Affirmation Cards Next to Pencils and Watercolor Cards with Text Overlay - DIY Watercolor Positive Affirmation Cards


[bctt tweet=”What if there was a tool that was beautiful and helped improve your self esteem? That is exactly what these DIY watercolor positive affirmation cards are!” username=”diyadulation”]


I am super guilty of talking badly to and about myself. Instead of focusing on any one of the amazing traits about me, I have always fixated on the flaws. Even offhand comments were destructive.

Have you ever asked a question that you knew the answer to and simply forgotten? When the person’s answer reminds you, what do you say. “Oh, I’m dumb, I knew that.”

Seriously? Would we talk about anyone else that way? I don’t think so. Something has to give.

I will talk more about how to shut down negative self talk later in the the series but we’re going to start on it today with these DIY watercolor positive affirmation cards.


Watercolor Affirmation Cards on Wood Background

What Are Positive Affirmations

There are many definitions of what positive affirmations are (especially since they can be so different person to person). Essentially they are phrases that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis that are meant to improve your self-talk, beliefs, and outlook. They can be used in a multitude of ways such as building confidence with people and improving work performance to name a few.

These DIY watercolor positive affirmation cards are meant to bolster your self-confidence and begin improving the way you speak to and about yourself. Read them every day to start truly cementing the beliefs you write down.


Art Supplies Flat Lay

DIY Watercolor Positive AFfirmation Cards Materials


Artist Trading Cards next to Packaging

Step 1

First, remove your artists trading cards from their packaging. You can make as many positive affirmation cards as you want but I recommend no fewer than ten.


Yellow and Green Dot Card next to Colored Pencils

Step 2

Next, use your watercolor pencils to draw designs on your cards. These can be as simple or elaborate as you want. I’ve included multiple examples for you above to help with inspiration.


Multicolored Watercolor Card

Step 3

After you’ve colored your cards, dip your brush in water and brush over your designs.



Watercolor Yellow and Green Dot Card

Step 4

Once a design has been brushed with water, set it aside to dry. Continue until all of your cards are completed.


I Matter Watercolor Affirmation Card next to Sharpie

I Love Myself Watercolor Affirmation Card next to Sharpie

Choose Happy Watercolor Affirmation Card next to Sharpie

Step 5

After your cards have dried, it is time to add your positive affirmations. You can make these in fun fonts and scripts or simply write them neatly on each card. One affirmation goes on each card with permanent marker.



Watercolor Affirmation Cards next to Color Pencils and Watercolor Cards

Positive Affirmation Ideas

Choose affirmations that align with where you want to improve your confidence, self-talk, or emotions. Again, don’t feel the need to use all of these, but choose at least 10 to get you started.

  1. I am a strong and confident woman.
  2. I’m full of energy.
  3. I only speak to myself with love.
  4. I am beautiful.
  5. I’m successful.
  6. I deserve to be happy.
  7. I deserve love.
  8. My heart is filled with love and gratitude.
  9. I love myself.
  10. I’m a creative woman.
  11. I am full of confidence.
  12. I feel strong and healthy.
  13. I’m intelligent.
  14. I am motivated.
  15. My life is full of abundance.
  16. I deserve respect.
  17. I love to smile and laugh.
  18. I’m generous.
  19. I let go of past hurt.
  20. I have many talents.
  21. I’m creating the life of my dreams.
  22. I am confident in all situations.
  23. I’m successful in everything that I do.
  24. Trying new things excites me.
  25. I have clarity in all of my decisions.
  26. I deserve my dreams.
  27. My health and wellness is a priority.
  28. I’m a leader.
  29. I speak in love and kindness.
  30. I am productive and tackle tasks with purpose.


Positive Affirmation Cards Next to Pencils and Watercolor Cards with Text Overlay - DIY Watercolor Positive Affirmation Cards

Once you have your DIY watercolor positive affirmation cards, don’t forget to pull them out once a day and read them. If you’re on the go a lot, I recommend putting them in your wallet so you always have them with you. Pull them out when you’re in the car at your kid’s practice waiting in the pick up line.

Also, if you find you have trouble remembering to read them daily, set an alarm on your phone. This can be in the morning or in the evening before bed, but set an alarm to remind you to read them. Lastly, I recommend reading them out loud to yourself if possible. There is something powerful about reading them while hearing them said aloud.

See where I’m linking up!

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Positive Affirmation Cards Next to Pencils and Watercolor Cards with Text Overlay - DIY Watercolor Positive Affirmation Cards

How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 

Live Healthy with These 4 Fun Ideas to Get Fit as a Family

When you use the 4 fun ideas to get fit as a family the kids beg to be active with you every day!

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Collage of Close Ups of Colorful Stabilization Balls and Pink Kettlebell with text overlay: 4 Fun Ideas to Get Fit as a Family

[bctt tweet=”Make getting fit fun for everyone with these 4 fun ideas to get fit as a family! #familyfitness” username=”diyadulation”]

Accountability is key when you’re trying to get fit. If you don’t have any sort of system in place, it makes it easy to run off track with your goals.

Don’t make your accountability complicated. You don’t need a personal trainer or BFF workout buddy.

Your best accountability resource is right in your own home: your family. Trust the kiddos to let you know when you slack on activity when you make fitness fun for the whole family.

I’m the first to admit that I think working out is boring. I love yoga because it helps focus and relax me, but even that I only do in 20 minute intervals.

That aversion to working out makes it hard to reach my fitness goals. I need something fun to get me to really push myself.

Making it a competition is even better. That’s why I decided to get the entire family on board. Now there are fun activities that let me get active without feeling like I’m “working out”.

Classic Twister Board Game
Image Credit:


This game takes every muscle in your body. If you haven’t worked out in a while, you will definitely feel it the next day.

It is so much fun, though, and the entire family loves playing it. We are trying to play 3-5 games at least one night a week.

I can already feel my muscle strength improving and all while having fun as a family.

Pokémon Go

We played Ingress long before Pokémon Go came out because we are a family full of nerds. The concept is the same for both games.

You walk around to reach portals or Pokestops which give you content in the game. That content helps you in the game whether it is defending portals or catching Pokémon.

This is a great way for our family to get out of the house and start walking. We always push ourselves to go further because we’re on the hunt.


Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)

This game proves that I am crazy competitive. I don’t just want to beat you, I want to absolutely dominate you.

All of the jumping around is great for getting that heart rate up and burning some calories. This is another one that you can lose yourself in.

Before you know it, you’ve been playing for hours. That’s the best kind of workout, if you ask me.


Looking for a quick and easy game for your next party or family night? Find out how to play glow stick tag and snag a free printable of the rules!

Glow Stick Tag

Don’t let the dark keep you from getting active! Glow stick tag is an easy game you can play in your back yard. Also, there’s no limit on the players.

If everyone takes a turn being “it” you get moving for 30 minutes or more. Learn all about it at How to Play Glow Stick Tag.


Close Up of Colorful Stabilization Balls with text overlay: 4 Fun Ideas to Get Fit as a Family

There you go! Now you have 4 fun ideas to get fit as a family and without expensive gym memberships or the need to leave your home (mostly). Rotate the ideas to keep it from getting stale for any one person.

For example, the little ones don’t love DDR like I do because it’s not suited to their current development stage. They love using my phone to hunt down Pokémon, though.

Changing it up keeps everyone happier and, most importantly, everyone active. What are other fun ways you get fit as a family? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

See where I’m linking up!

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Collage of Close Ups of Colorful Stabilization Balls and Pink Kettlebell with text overlay: 4 Fun Ideas to Get Fit as a Family


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