Make Time for Fun with a Yearly To-Do List

Are you guilty of making endless to-do lists that are packed to the brim? Even though I know better, I am too.

The list goes on and on. Your to-do list is so full that you keep pushing off the things you actually want to do. Even if you get free time, you have no idea what to do with it on top of being exhausted. That is exactly where a yearly to-do list comes in. It’s not what you’re thinking. Are you ready to find out what a yearly to-do list is and why you need one?

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Remember to make fun a priority this year. Find out how to do it with a yearly to-do list and these helpful tips. Waiting for free time won't make it happen!


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But First, Prioritizing

Before we get to what a yearly to-do list is, let’s talk about prioritizing. If your to-do list is overflowing it is not because you have too much to do. It means you need help prioritizing. My Monthly Goal Setting Planner helps you break this down in-depth but here are the basics:

  1. You only have so many hours in the day.
  2. Everything cannot be a priority every day of the week.
  3. Choose 3-5 areas of your life each day to focus on.

When you keep these prioritizing basics in mind, you will find yourself getting more done each day.


Remember to make fun a priority this year. Find out how to do it with a yearly to-do list and these helpful tips. Waiting for free time won't make it happen!

What is a Yearly To-Do List?

Now that you know how to better prioritize your tasks and focus, let’s find out what a yearly to-do list is. This is a list to write down all of the things that you want to do this year. The key word here is “want”. A yearly to-do list is not for home improvement projects or business goals. It is for the activities and experiences you always want to do/try but never take the time to. Here are some ideas of what to include on your list:

You get the idea. Fill your list with at least 12 of these (more is better). Then move on to the next step.


Remember to make fun a priority this year. Find out how to do it with a yearly to-do list and these helpful tips. Waiting for free time won't make it happen!

How to Use a Yearly To-Do List

Now that you have your yearly to-do list made, it is time to put it into action. You can’t just make it and hope it manifests (although, wouldn’t that be cool?). Now you have to make a point to prioritize one of these activities every month. Just as you schedule doctor’s visits, vacations, and paying bills, you have to schedule your fun. If you don’t, you will keep putting it off like you have in years before.

You can schedule these loosely. For example, schedule the time in your schedule but leave the activity flexible. This is especially helpful when you have events that get rescheduled due to weather such as sporting events and outdoor concerts. In that instance you simply check out your yearly to-do list and pick another item that is comparable in time. Remember that this time is a priority. Don’t blow it off when things don’t go to plan.


Remember to make fun a priority this year. Find out how to do it with a yearly to-do list and these helpful tips. Waiting for free time won't make it happen!

This year, remember to make fun a priority too. A yearly to-do list is the perfect way to finally be successful. You can totally grab a pretty printable Yearly To-Do List for free on Colorful Candy Planner Pages for your Big Happy Planner. It is included in the planner accessory sheets along with a Password Keeper, Monthly Habit Tracker, and more. Don’t forget to schedule your daily to-do list day in your calendar. That’s how you prioritize the fun along with the work. What fun priorities are going on your list? Let me know in the comments!

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Remember to make fun a priority this year. Find out how to do it with a yearly to-do list and these helpful tips. Waiting for free time won't make it happen!

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