Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk

Throughout this series, we have talked a lot about some of the terrible things moms say to themselves. From saying, “I’m a failure,” to “I hate how I look in pictures,” there seems to be no shortage of put downs. Find out how to turn those words around and shut down your negative self talk.

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[bctt tweet=”These tips will help you shut down negative self talk and start speaking with much more love and truth. Remember that the words you speak to and think about yourself shape the person that you inevitably become.” username=”diyadulation”]

Too often I found myself saying these things to myself. It got to the point that I had zero self-esteem and looked for validation everywhere except where it counted: from myself. Of course, you know that the problem with this is that it never works.

Then one day I was struck with a though. I realized all of the amazing things I have done in my life. I thought about how brave I have always been in my personal style. That was when I decided this self abuse had to stop.

Tips to Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk

Shutting down negative self talk may be one of the hardest things you ever do. However, it is so important to your well-being. In fact, when you engage in negative self talk, you are verbally abusing yourself. Name calling, condescension, and degradation are all forms of verbal abuse. You deserve better than that. These tips will help you turn around that destructive behavior.


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Use a Picture of Your Daughter

This is the most powerful trick to shut down negative self talk. Any time you find yourself saying or thinking horrible things, I want you to pull out a picture of your daughter and try to say those same things to it. Look at that adorable, innocent little face above and imagine me telling her the horrible things I say to myself. It’s impossible.

Keep the picture on your phone so that you always have it with you because, let’s be fair, negative self talk happens all the time. I also recommend having photos on the wall by your bathroom mirror and closet. This fights those times that put on an outfit and think you’re fat or look in the mirror and hate your complexion.


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Replace Thoughts with Positives

Every time you say or think somethings negative about yourself, counter it by pointing out something positive. For example, I hate my nose. I have no idea why but I have always though it was too big for my face. When I catch myself fixating on it, I counter the negative thought and focus on a feature I love, like my eyes.

The same goes for when you say, “I’m a bad mom.” Counter that negative (and totally false) statement with, “I am the perfect mom for my kids and exactly what they need.” For every negative thought you have, there is a positive one to counter it. If you find yourself struggling, pull out your positive affirmations cards.

Negative Reinforcement

This one isn’t my favorite because, as I have said before, I am very anti-pain. However, if the methods above don’t work, try a rubber band when you catch yourself talking or thinking negatively about yourself.

Your brain begins associating the pain with negative self talk and will start avoiding it. Please note that multiple studies have been done that show positive reinforcement is a much more powerful behavior modifier. For that reason, I only recommend this as a last option.


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These tips will help you shut down your negative self talk and start speaking with much more love and truth. Remember that the words you speak to and think about yourself shape the person that you inevitably become. Don’t let that be a woman formed from verbal abuse in constant search of external validation. Everything you need is already inside of you and it’s pretty amazing.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 


How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers

Ah, the people pleasers. Moms sometimes make the best ones because it ingrained in us to take care of others. What we don’t realize it that there is slippery slop between taking care of our family and trying to please everyone. The question becomes how moms can stop being people pleasers.

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[bctt tweet=”Learn how moms can stop being people pleasers. That’s how you stick to the truth of being a caregiver without giving up the power over your identity!” username=”diyadulation”]

Unsurprisingly, people pleasing comes from not having strong boundaries and self identity. You try to please others for the kudos or likability that will come from it. That is how you know that your identity is being defined by others instead of from within.

Stop giving that power to someone else. If you always look to others for validation that you are worthy, lovable, and valuable you will live in a state of perpetual disappointment. If you haven’t already read How to Love Yourself First and How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom, I highly recommend you go back and read them. These concepts all build on top of each other and you can’t solve one without solving the others.


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Common People-Pleasing Traits of Moms

There are multiple traits to look out for if you believe you are, or are in danger of becoming, a people pleaser. You can read more about them all here. For the purposes for this article, I want to call attention to a few of the traits and how they manifest specifically for moms.


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Apologizing a Lot

This is one we do all too often. We apologize for things that we literally have zero control over. Has your child ever come to you complaining that they don’t feel good? What is your first response? “Oh, honey, I’m sorry.” It is a situation that you didn’t cause and that you are likely even trying to fix for them, but yet we say we’re sorry.

We qualify it in our mind that we’re “sorry they feel that way” but that is not the message we are sending. Try replacing that with, “Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” This still conveys our love and empathy without assigning any ‘blame’. Other common examples include:

In all of these examples, does the message not get across if you take out the words, “I’m sorry,”? No. Furthermore, you shouldn’t be sorry. This goes back to maintaining your boundaries. Even if your friends don’t agree with your boundary on not going out to dinner on a school night, they still need to respect it. It is nothing to apologize for.

You Can’t Say No

This is another red flag that moms fall prey to and again, it goes back to boundaries. When you don’t have any boundaries, it feels impossible to say no even when you want to. Here are just a few examples this occurs in mom life:

All of these examples have one thing in common. You didn’t want to do them. There is nothing wrong with joining the PTA at your child’s school. It’s great but only if you truly want to do it. If you don’t actually have the time or energy, you end up more stressed, drained, and overwhelmed.

The same goes for making birthday decorations. If you love being crafty and doing that kind of stuff for fun (and have the time available to complete it), awesome! If you only agree to it because you ‘feel like you should’ it will have the same damaging effects.


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Not Speaking Up When You Feel Hurt

Another trait of people pleasers is that they don’t speak up when they’ve been hurt. That’s because they are not strong enough in their identity to feel valid in their emotions. Your emotions are there for a reason. Love yourself enough to trust in them. Some examples might be:

Neither of these incidents need to get turned into a fight but you can still vocalize your feelings. For instance, you can respond to your friend that you love your new look and that it hurts when she criticizes it.

Let your husband know that it makes you feel like you aren’t a priority when he cancels plans with you to hang out with friends. If your friend or husband continue to do these things after you have explicitly stated how they make you feel, then ask yourself, who’s really the jerk in that situation.



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How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers

All of these examples are great, but how do you actually stop being a people pleaser? You start by building the foundation of self esteem and self love that you have lost. That’s where this all builds from. Of course, that’s not the only step but it is arguably the most important. Here are the steps to take to stop being a people pleaser:

Start with Knowing Yourself

I say this a lot because it’s such a good analogy but, calling a minivan a sports car doesn’t make it so. That is the epitome of where you need to get with knowing yourself. (Read How to Love Yourself First)

Set Clear Boundaries and Enforce Them

Once you know and love yourself, it is much easier to set strong boundaries in all areas of your life. (Read How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom)

Learn to Say No With Grace

Learning to say no when you’ve said yes for so long definitely takes practice. That’s why I love Spiritualish podcast episode 14. They give you word for word scripts to use in a myriad of situations. All of them are respectful and clear.

Don’t Give Excuses

First of all, giving excuses tells the other person and your subconscious that you feel you need one. Furthmore, it give people ammo to try and change your mind. “As soon as you start explaining, you give the other person lots of wiggle room to come back and say, ‘Oh, you can do that later,’ ‘You can adjust your schedule’ or ‘That’s not as important as what I’m asking.’” (Source)


Woman Standing on Rock Next to the Ocean with text overlay - How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers

It is important for us to learn how moms can stop being people pleasers because it helps us stick to the truth of being caregivers without giving up the power over our identity. It is for you alone to decide your worth, happiness, and value. Instead of being afraid of that, revel in it.

Where else in the universe is somethings value not determined by outside sources? No where. People determine the value of books, food, gemstones, nature, and more but no one determines your value. That can only come from within and when you think about it that way, it’s pretty awesome.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 

How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom

Boundaries are the key to a strong identity. As hard as it is to own up to, a lack of boundaries is what got you to this place to begin with. That’s the half empty. Luckily, you can learn how to set and protect boundaries as a mom for a happier, less-stressful life.

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[bctt tweet=”It is to own up to a lack of boundaries. Luckily, you can learn how to set and protect boundaries as a mom for a happier, less-stressful life.” username=”diyadulation”]

I have never had strong, healthy boundaries in place in my life (until now, that is). That comes from a few places. One, I had zero self-esteem growing up. Despite my many achievements and adventures, I never believed that I was worthy and valued.

In addition to that, I had never seen strong boundaries exercised by others. I grew up in an abusive home where the only boundary was trying not to make my dad angry. Yikes!

This pattern had continued into my adult relationships with friends, boyfriends, and even my family. A lack of boundaries has a negative impact on every area of your life. (Read more here.)Your relationships suffer, your finances are impacted negatively, and your stress levels are increased just to name a few.

To break this pattern and improve your life, it is time to set boundaries that direct your decisions and actions with purpose. Pull out your journal and let’s get to work.


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Look at Boundaries You Already Have (or Should Have)

Are there any areas of your life that you have strong, healthy boundaries? For example, would you immediately shutdown a stranger who tried to kiss you on the mouth? Now think about if that has ever happened with a friend or coworker of your husband. The response should be the same but it not always is.

This is an extreme example to illustrate the point. There are much subtler ways that you allow your boundaries to be changed and compromised in your day-to-day life. Every time you don’t get a shower because the kids are being wild and crazy, you are saying that your self-care boundary is negotiable and unimportant. When you repeatedly let your husband reschedule date night so that he can hang out with friends, you are saying that your time boundary isn’t concrete.

I love this quote from this article because it sums it up so succinctly. “In general, the key to setting boundaries is first figuring out what one wants from their various relationships, setting boundaries based on these desires, and then being clear with oneself and with other people about these boundaries.” (Source)


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Set New Boundaries

As I said above, we got in this place because we didn’t have healthy boundaries in place. No one loses themselves by valuing and prioritizing their time, space, and needs. More importantly, when you don’t have boundaries in place, it points at a deeper loss of identity and self-respect. Use these tips to free yourself and set boundaries:

Keep the Focus on Yourself

No one can determine your boundaries for you just as you can’t force people to respect them. However, when expressing them to people, it is important to keep the focus on yourself. For example, instead of saying “You need to stop calling me during dinner,” focus it on your boundaries by saying “I need to focus on my family at dinner and do not want to receive calls.” This keeps the focus on you and your needs.

Don’t Over-explain Your Reasons

For starters, this conveys that you feel you need an excuse for your boundaries and you don’t. Again, no one can determine your boundaries except you and no one can tell you they are wrong. You know what works best for you. In addition to that, “you are not responsible for the feelings, actions, and beliefs of others, or for the way they react to the boundaries you’ve set.” (Source)

Determine Consequences

Before you start determining consequences, it’s important to note that not all boundaries have consequences that you need to convey. For instance, in the example above about phone calls during dinner, after you have told your friend about your boundaries, simply stop answering the phone during dinner. Eventually, your friend will stop calling during that time because she knows she won’t be able to reach you.

Some boundaries do require strict consequences. For example, you should flat-out tell a friend that keeps inappropriately flirting with you that you refuse to stay in a relationship with someone who does not respect your boundaries. In that situation, you need to be willing to follow through on the consequences you set.

Types of Mom Boundaries

There are typically 6 types of boundaries you can have. They are physical, intellectual, emotional, sexual, material, and time. Check out the free worksheet at the bottom of this article to read more about the different types, but here are common boundaries (or ways they are broken) as they apply specifically to mom life.







More On Time Boundaries

This is one of the slipperiest boundaries when it comes to SAHM life. Societal and personal beliefs tell you that because you “just stay at home” that your time is not as valuable as other people’s time. This is not true and I cannot stress that enough.

It got to a point in my life that any time someone needed a ride from the airport in the middle of the day, got a package delivered and it was raining, or any other number of things, I was called and expected to do it. Why? Because I wasn’t at work so I must be available. What’s worse, I usually did whatever was requested of me. This meant that the behaviors continued happening because I didn’t set healthy boundaries.

Your Time is Valuable

Staying home with your kids does not mean that your time isn’t valuable. If you are trying to get costumes made for your kids and a friend calls wanting to go to the park, it is okay to say no. That doesn’t mean you’re being selfish, a bad friend, or a bad mom. It means you are protecting your boundaries and completing the task you need to get done.

Furthermore, if that same friend calls and you have nothing going on but you don’t want to leave the house that day. It is still 100% acceptable to say no. That is the importance of boundaries. They will let you know when you are doing something because you want to or because you feel like you have to.


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Enforcing Your Boundaries

It is not enough to set boundaries and expect people to maintain them. In fact, it is human nature to test boundaries, especially when they are brand new. Think of it in the scope of your children. If you tell your child that they don’t get dessert unless they finish their dinner, they will try to push that boundary. If often comes in the form of bargaining, such as “What if I eat 5 bites of my dinner. Then can I have dessert?” If you agree to this, then you’ve just negated the boundary.

That means that when you tell your friends you can’t go out to eat with them because you’re saving money for a new car, they will come back at you with, “Okay, we’ll go somewhere cheaper to eat.” It’s human nature. In these moments it is important to solidify your boundaries. Make it clear that you are not spending any money on such things because of your overarching goal. If you still want to spend time together simply not in that setting, invite them over for a game night or coffee.



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Learning how to set and protect boundaries as a mom gets easier with practice. Because you have gone without clear boundaries for so long, expect some initial push back from your friends and family. After you consistently maintain your boundaries, that push back will subside.

Remember that the key to strong, healthy boundaries is ultimately a strong identity. You cannot have one without the other. A minivan does not become a sports car just because someone says it is. When you remember who you are at your core, your boundaries are easier to enforce because they align with that.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection