Do you have a bucket list? If so, how many of the things on it have you actually done? Don’t worry if your answer is in the single digits. These tips will help you make a bucket list you’ll actually complete.
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I have been lucky enough to do many great things and have tons of awesome experiences in my life. Then one day, I realized I had stopped. I got caught up in raising a family and daily life.
It happens to the best of us but once you realize it, you want to do something about it. A bucket list is a great way to change it around.
If you actually do it, that is. That is exactly what these tips help you do.

Start with What You Have Done
Start by making a list of all of the amazing things you have already done. When you see how much you’ve already accomplished, it will motivate you to start again. That’s how you get the initial push to start again.
There are no wrong answers here, either. Everything that you feel is an accomplishment, unique experience, or enriching should go on the list. Here is a short example for you:
- Visit Montreal
- Go to Disney World
- See Boston in Concert
- Crowd Surf
- Fly in a Plane
- Write a Book
- Perform Live on Stage
- Try Out for The Voice
- Go Skinny Dipping
- Perform in a Play
- Win an Award/Trophy
- Complete a 5K
- Ride a Horse
- Pet a Shark
- Ride an Elephant
- Feed a Giraffe
- Attend New Orleans Jazz Festival
- Eat Alligator
- See the Nutcracker Ballet
- Get Paid to Sing
Not all of these are huge things but they all meant something to me. Seeing it all laid out on a list makes you feel pretty awesome and accomplished. You are a person, a unique individual who has so much more to give than what you give yourself credit for.

Make Your Bucket List
Once you complete the list of things you have already done, it’s time to make your bucket list. You were likely inspired by new ideas while compiling the list above. Write them down: all of them. Anything and everything you can think of that you want to do, try, and experience.
Here is another quick example:
- Be an Extra in a Horror Movie
- Go Snorkeling
- Visit Hawaii
- Take a European Vacation
- Go on an Overnight Ghost Hunt
- Stay in an Over-water Bungalow
- Go to Super Bowl
- Attend Comi-Con in San Diego
- Throw an Over-the-Top Birthday Party
- Go on a Huge Tropical Zip Line
- Try Glass Blowing
- Go on a Cruise
- Try a Sensory Deprivation Tank
- Earn a Million Dollars
- Attend a Crab Boil
- Eat at the Hello Kitty Food Truck
- Meet the Core Buffy “Scooby Gang”
- Sleep in a Haunted House
- Go on a Safari
- Donate Blood
Notice how there are seriously all kinds of things on this list. From places to visit to conquering fears and even to financial milestones, they are all part of my bucket list. Remember, you decide what goes on it and it can be absolutely anything you want.

Prominently Feature Your Bucket List
After you finish your bucket list, you need to keep that baby front and center on your mind. A great way to do this is to literally hang it on the wall.
If you have a large dry erase board you can write your bucket list on there and hang it. You can also make the super easy DIY chalkboard in this tutorial to write them on.

Share Your Bucket List
Lastly, share it with your family, including your kids. There are 3 reasons for this:
- This helps keep you accountable.
- It prepares your kids for the times you do things without them.
- Lastly, it’s a great behavior to model for your kids.
I love kids for their honesty. When they see you checking off items on the list, they will get excited. On the flip side of that, they won’t hesitate to point out when it has been a while since you checked one off.
Bonus Tip: Schedule It
In case you haven’t notice, I’m a big proponent for scheduling things. When you take the time to write them down and plan them, it makes it easier to stick to. Additionally, it gives you a deadline. I recommend scheduling at least 4 bucket list items a year. Ideally these would be 3 smaller ones that are simple and inexpensive to complete and 1 large one that is consumes more time, planning, and money.

When you start with your accomplishments, keep your list prominent, and share it with family you will finally make a bucket list you’ll actually complete. The life we live and who we become is essentially made up of each one of these experiences. They shape and form us which is pretty cool when you think about it. That means we have a lot more control over who we become than we like to believe.
See where I’m linking up!
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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series
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- Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
- Find Your Cheerleaders
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- Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
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- How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
- Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
- How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
- Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
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