Are you struggling with your fitness goals this year? It is hard to find time to work out when you have a family to take care of, chores to do, meals to cook… the list goes on and on. Don’t give up on your goals. Instead, find ways to work it into your daily routine. Here are 10 tips to fit in fitness while doing the things that are already on your to-do list. From watching TV to cooking dinner, I’ve got ideas to add more activeness to your day.
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10 Tips to Fit In Fitness in Daily Life
Brushing Your Teeth
There are a number of easy exercises you can do while you brush your teeth. 2 of my favorite ones are wall sits and stepping in place.
While this won’t make you thin overnight, it will add 2 more minutes of activity to your day.
During Commercials
Doing some sort of exercise during commercial breaks of your favorite shows is an excellent way to fit in fitness. Jumping jacks and crunches are popular for this but I prefer plank.
It is an excellent core workout that also doesn’t make a lot of noise (in case you watch TV after the kiddos go to bed like me). If you are more of a Netflix binge-watcher, change it up by doing 2 minutes of activity between episodes.
Park your car in the very back of the lot when you go shopping or run errands. This is a great way to get in extra steps.
If you want to up the ante, don’t get a cart in the parking lot. Instead carry your kids from the car to the door. Trust me that will turn your shopping trip into a full-blown workout.

Making Dinner
Let’s face it: even with careful meal planning moms still spend of good chunk of our lives in the kitchen. The next time you’re stuck by the stove or hovering over the sink, step in place. It will help keep you energy level up and add some movement to your day.
Dance a lot. Like, dance any chance you get to shake your body.
We dance down the hallway to naptime. I dance in the shower (although I don’t necessarily recommend this as I have fallen a few times… I just can help it).
We hold random dance parties in the living room. Find times every day to dance even if it is only for a moment.
Bus Stops
Walk with your kid to the bus top and meet them at it after school. Even if the bus stop is only at the end of your driveway those are still extra steps.
Bonus Tip:
- If your kid gets embarrassed about you being at the bus stop, one afternoon wait with a huge “Welcome” sign and cheer as he or she gets off of the bus. They won’t mind you just standing there so much.
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Take the Steps
If you have a family room in your basement, hang out there. Then use the stairs to go to the restroom or get a drink of water.
Even if you have a bathroom on the same level, take the steps to another one. It only takes an extra 2 minutes of your time and your body will thank you for it.
Toss Your Kids
Tossing your kids in the air is another excellent workout. Okay, so you don’t have to actually toss them in the air if that makes you nervous.
Instead, try mimicking the motion but never letting go. The kids will still love it and you’ll be getting a varied shoulder press workout.

Get on the Park Equipment
You can find tons of “playground workouts” on Pinterest but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Your kids love it when you push them on the swings and it’s good for you, too.
Spinning them on a merry-go-round is another easy way to fit in fitness. If you’re feeling ambitious, run with it and jump on like you did as a kid.
Lastly, don’t forget to climb on the monkey bars. Show your kids how it’s done or lift them up and let them give it try.
Vacuum Twice a Day
Vacuuming is one of my favorite active chores to get up and moving. Instead of only doing this chore once a day, do it twice each day.
That’s more steps each day and it has the added bonus of keeping your house extra clean.

Choose one of these ideas or utilize all 10 tips to fit in fitness daily. You will find that the more your move each day, the more you will want to move. Want one more easy idea to get active? Play outside with your kids.
They will love getting to run off that extra energy and will remember you making play with them a priority. My kids love being pushed around the yard in their Cozy Coupe. It’s an excellent workout for me that they have a blast with.
Do you have tips to fit in fitness each day? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
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