How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine

You can find a million articles out there with self care ideas for moms, like this one. However, articles that breaks down the types of self care and hot to fit it into your schedule are harder to find. That’s why today is all about learning how to create a daily self care routine.

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[bctt tweet=”How many self care ideas have you pinned on Pinterest? How many of them have you actually tried? Stop now and learn how to create a daily self care routine.” username=”diyadulation”]

Coming up with self care ideas is easy for me. On the flip side of that, finding the time for them in schedule eluded me for years. This was due to a few key reasons:

  1. I didn’t know how to card out time for myself including for self care.
  2. I had no idea that there were different levels of self care.
  3. It never occurred to me to make self care part of my daily routine.

We have already covered how to carve out me time. Now it’s time to learn about the different levels of self care. Then we’ll create a daily routine that incorporates them.


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Basic Self Care

Basic self care included everything that keeps you healthy and well. This means getting the appropriate amount of sleep every night. It also means making hygiene a priority. Stay-at-home moms especially struggle with making the time to get a shower everyday (I’m totally guilty of this). Even if you have a tiny tyrant at home that you can’t leave alone, bring them in the bathroom with you. Yes, it might be a quicker shower than you’d like but you’ll still feel so much better.

Basic self care also includes a healthy diet and fitness. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about brownies and gummy bears (not together) but the majority of the food and drinks you consume should be fuel for your body.

The same goes for fitness. Don’t feel like you need to be a body builder, but adding activity to your day is important.

Check out Tips to Fit In Fitness for ideas on how to work fitness into your day.


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Emotional Self Care

Your emotional self care includes your mental and spiritual care as well. Much like your hierarchy of needs, if your basic self care isn’t met, you can’t successfully take care of these ones.

Once you take care of your basic self care, it is important to follow it up with emotional self care. This includes journaling, meditation, and religious activities.

This is also when you do things that recharge you. Reading a book, taking a bubble bath, and enjoying hobbies all fall under emotional self care.


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Social Self Care

It is so easy to become isolated as a SAHM. Your social self care becomes non-existent. Even talking on the phone is difficult with demanding tiny humans.

That’s why it is so important to make time for your group hobbies, girls nights, and even play dates. These are the ways that you fill-up your social needs. If you are truly swamped, or simply feel like you need additional social self care, try writing letters with friends and family. This is a great way to connect socially without finding a ton of free time or leaving the house.

Goal Alignment

When you go to create a daily self routine, it is important to keep your current goals in mind. There simply isn’t enough time to do everything every day. Trying to do it all is a one-way ticket to burnout.

Your basic needs should be met everyday, but spending 20 minutes each on other self care ideas daily isn’t realistic. Meditation, journaling, hanging out with friends, Bible study, reading, enjoying hobbies, self-improvement, and more means finding an additional 2-3 hours in your day. You aren’t going to do that daily without falling behind in other important areas.

Instead, align your daily self care routine with your current goals. For example, if you are currently focused on getting more fit, your daily self care routine should be heavy on those activities. Your outings might always include hitting the gym. The hobbies you choose to pursue will be active ones like hiking or dance. These align with your current goal. As this goal changes, so will your self care routine.


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Example Self Care Routine

Once you know your priorities, it is time to create a daily self care routine. This is personal for everyone because our lives and goals vary so greatly. As much as I wish I could, that means I can’t give you some magic formula for your self care routine. Instead, here is my current routine as an example to inspire you.



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Remember your basic self care needs and align additional self care with your goals is how to create a daily self care routine. Don’t let your basic self care falter because it affects all of the others. Again, if you need some specific self care ideas, check out Open When Self Care Ideas for Moms. Also, know that as your goals change and evolve, your daily self care activities will change too.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 

How to Find New Hobbies You Love + 50 Hobby Ideas

Trying new things is imperative to growth. Luckily, that doesn’t mean doing things that are grossly outside of your comfort zone. Instead it can be fun experiences that push who you are (or think you are). Find out how to find new hobbies you love that help you learn more about yourself and grow as a person.

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[bctt tweet=”Pushing outside of your comfort zone is imperative to growth. Learn how to find new hobbies you love to learn more about yourself and grow as a person.” username=”diyadulation”]

I’m not always great at trying new things. For starters, I have an innate fear of pain. I’ve never been one to voluntarily try things with the potential for getting hurt, even if it is only perceived that way. While I’ve never broken a bone (fingers crossed) it can also mean missing out on some amazing experiences. Luckily, I’ve had friends and family to help nudge me on occasion.

For example, I never would have tried the “sky flyer” if it weren’t for my friends. In case you don’t know what that is, it is the activity at amusement parks where they strap you in a body harness, attach you to a cable, pull you a ridiculously high distance from the ground, and then release. Frankly, it’s terrifying.


Even though I was scared beyond belief and screamed so loud that I instantly lost my voice, I’m grateful for the experience. After the fact it was exhilarating and it pushed me to be braver than I thought possible. It made me realize my true capacity for strength. These aren’t things you learn unless you occasionally push yourself past what you “think” you’re capable of.


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Overcome Fear

When you are trying new things it’s scary. Before finding new hobbies, it is helpful to have strategies for overcoming fears you encounter.

First, identify what it is you’re afraid of. Then find a way to make that fear something positive. (Wake Up Cloud) For example, if you’re afraid of trying a yoga class because you’re worried you won’t be able to do the positions or will look foolish, flip it. Instead think about how lucky you will be to have a wealth of experienced students to help and support you. It makes your own learning curve a lot less steep.


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Make a List of Your Passions

This sounds intimidating when you haven’t felt passionate about anything other than your children for years. Make it easier by thinking about the things you do already. This article from Deb Takes Her Life Back has some great questions to ask yourself for this.

Once you have a list of passions, find hobbies that correlate with those passions. For example, if you love watching horror films, reading about real hauntings, and watching Paranormal Lockdown then going on ghost tours would be a great hobby for you. Paranormal investigation events or working part time at a local haunted house are also hobby options that align.


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Find a Friend to Push You

As I said above, there are plenty of things that I’ve tried because I had friends and family to push me. If you find you’re having trouble getting outside of your comfort zone, find a friend that helps you.

This is also an additional way to get over fears when trying something new. Nothing seems as scary when you have someone by your side doing it with you.


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New Hobby Ideas to Try

If you’re still struggling to come up with new hobbies to try, here are 50 ideas to inspire you. Try one or try them all and see what you like.

  1. Acting
  2. Archery
  3. Base Jumping
  4. Basketball
  5. Blogging
  6. Boating
  7. Bowling
  8. Camping
  9. Candle Making
  10. Coding
  11. Coloring
  12. Cosplay
  13. Dance
  14. Diving
  15. Drawing
  16. Fishing
  17. Gardening
  18. Ghost Hunting
  19. Hand Lettering
  20. Hiking
  21. Jewelry Making
  22. Karaoke
  23. Laser Tag
  24. Learn an Instrument
  25. Live Action Role Playing (LARP)
  26. Paint Ball
  27. Painting
  28. Parkour
  29. Pen and Paper Role Playing Game (RPG)
  30. Photography
  31. Play Video Games
  32. Playing Arcade Games
  33. Podcasting
  34. Pottery
  35. RC Truck Racing
  36. Rock Climbing (Indoor or Outdoor)
  37. Running
  38. Scrapbooking
  39. Sewing
  40. Snowboarding
  41. Softball
  42. Spelunking
  43. Storm Chasing
  44. Tennis
  45. Thrifting
  46. Vlogging
  47. Volleyball
  48. Wine Making
  49. Writing
  50. Yoga


I’ve highlighted all of the things on this list that I’ve actually done. If you want to know about them or are curious about my experience with them, feel free to shoot me an email at marie (at) diyadulation (dot) com.


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After you learn how to find new hobbies you love, start testing them out during your mom dates. Don’t let fear keep you from growing as a person and learning more about yourself. Also, don’t get discouraged if you try a few that you don’t love. As you go through the process of knowing yourself better it will be easier to find new things to try that you do love.

See where I’m linking up!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection 

Rediscover Your Old Hobbies | Tips for Moms

When is the last time you made a hobby you love a priority? When you’re a busy mom and wife, you may not even remember. Not only is that not good for your health and well being, it also isn’t what you want to model for your kids. That’s why you need to make time to rediscover your old hobbies.

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[bctt tweet=”With these tips you can rediscover your old hobbies to improve your health, know yourself better, and find new friends. It’s never too late to live happier and healthier!” username=”diyadulation”]

I have always loved to scrapbook. When I was younger, I even treated my school planners as scrapbooks. They were full of photos, artwork, and ticket stubs. It was a way of preserving my memories as well as a creative outlet.

Now that I blog, I don’t have the time for it I once did. However, there are 2-3 crops that I attend every year. This means that I know that a few times a year now that I will get to spend 5+ focused hours on preserving those precious memories. The bonus is that the fees go to the local churches or schools hosting the crop.


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How to Rediscover Your Old Hobbies

If you find that your old hobbies have fallen by the wayside, I have some tips for you not only rediscover them but start making them a priority. This will improve your health and your life.

Hobbies will help you relieve stress (Psychology Today) along with a myriad of other benefits such as offering new challenges, helping you learn about yourself, and enriching your perspective (Develop Good Habits). Additionally, you are teaching your kids the importance of making time for and fostering hobbies in their lives as well.


Open Planner with Pencil with text overlay - Schedule It

Schedule It

This is the way that I stay connected with my scrapbooking hobby. I pay for my crops as soon as they are available (sometimes months in advance) so that I have a financial investment to motivate me. They also go in my calendar as soon I know the specific date.

Not only does this ensure I get to stay connected to my hobby, it also keeps my from becoming resentful that I don’t have as much time for it. Make sure you schedule your hobbies to always fit them in.

Mix It Up

When you’re rediscovering old hobbies, it’s important to mix it up. Some hobbies you enjoyed before you got busy with mom life may not suit your personality anymore. Trying out multiple old hobbies helps you find one you truly love.

Do Some Research

Some aspects of your hobby may have changed over the years. Do some research beforehand to prepare yourself for these changes. For example, I used to love going to arcades. This was back when you had to turn your cash into tokens to play. (I think I even still have some tokens floating around my house from my favorite arcades.)

The first time I went back to an arcade and got a card, it was disorienting (and if I’m being honest, a little scary). What the heck are you supposed to do with a card? The same goes for many other hobbies so invest a little time in research before you go.


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Invest in It

Speaking of investing, once you find that an old hobby still fulfills you, it is worth it to invest some money in it too. Sometimes you will need to invest a little money upfront to rediscover you old hobbies.

For example, if you used to love bowling, you will need to pay to bowl and for shoe rental. If you love scrapbooking, like me, depending on how long it has been, you want to invest in acid free adhesive to protect your photos and a good cutting machine for easy embellishments and accessories. Investing in a crop is another way to invest in your hobby.

Get Social

Once you have tried a few old hobbies and know which ones align with your current interests, get social with them. Search Facebook or check out your local library boards for groups, leagues, classes, or events relating to your hobby. This is a great way to connect with others who share your hobby.


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With these tips you can rediscover your old hobbies and improve your health, help you get to know yourself better, and even help you find new friends. It’s never too late to rediscover hobbies and improve your life. Additionally, you will teach your kids to place importance on their hobbies which leads to happier, healthier kids that turn into happier, healthier adults.

See where I’m linking up!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

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How to Rediscover Yourself After Marriage and Motherhood Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Why All Moms Need a Journal
  3. Determine Your Why for Self Discovery
  4. Find Your Cheerleaders
  5. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards
  6. Create Your SAHM Hierarchy of Needs
  7. The Hard Truth About Carving Out Me Time
  8. 5 Awesome Podcasts to Inspire Self Discovery
  9. How to Love Yourself First
  10. Stop Reacting to Life and Live Proactive
  11. How to Set and Protect Boundaries as a Mom
  12. How Moms Can Stop Being People Pleasers
  13. Why It’s Okay to Outgrow Relationships
  14. It’s Time to Break-up with Yourself
  15. Create a Mini Mom Oasis for Recharging
  16. Why Moms Should Date Themselves + How to Do It
  17. How to Get Your Free Time Back as a SAHM
  18. Turn Someday into Today
  19. Why You Should Throw Out Your Clothes
  20. Rediscover Your Old Hobbies
  21. How to Find New Hobbies You Love
  22. How to Create a Daily Self Care Routine
  23. Shut Down Your Negative Self Talk
  24. How a Haircut Can Help You Find Yourself
  25. Make a Bucket List You’ll Actually Complete
  26. Unique Alternative Ideas to Help You Find Yourself
  27. Why SAHM Need to Unplug Weekly
  28. 10 Mom Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
  29. 10 Mom Date Ideas to Get Out of the House
  30. Embracing Your Weird as a Mom
  31. How to Practice Mindful Reflection