Free Printable Charlie Tractor Bookmarks +Tip to Keep Kids Reading

You know that reading with your children has a multitude of benefits. It not only helps them in school, but also helps them develop traits such as empathy and self-confidence. (Read more about the benefits of reading here.) Find out how to get your child engaged in reading with these free printable Charlie Tractor bookmarks.

This is a sponsored post from Charlie Tractor™. All ideas, projects, and opinions are my own. Affiliate links may be used in this post. Ordering a product through these links may result in a commission. Read the full disclosure here.

Collage of Charlie Tractor Bookmark Next to Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish Book with text overlay: Free Printable Charlie Tractor Bookmarks + Tips to Keep Kids Reading

[bctt tweet=”Did you ever think that something like these free printable Charlie Tractor bookmarks could help you encourage reading with your little ones? Find out how! #ad” username=”diyadulation”]

I have always loved reading. I don’t know if it’s because of nature or nurture but it has always been there. Thankfully, my kids also enjoy reading. However, my youngest doesn’t love it the way my older two do.

He loves the idea of reading but when I start, unless it’s at bedtime, he loses interest. That why I decided to come up with this idea for the bookmark.

That sounds silly, right? How can a bookmark get kids engaged in reading. It starts because they put in the effort to decorate the bookmark. While they are coloring their bookmarks, read a book to them like Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish. This creates fun and enjoyable connections with them and books.

Free Printable Charlie Tractor with Fish Black and White Bookmarks

Free Printable Charlie Tractor Black and White Bookmarks



Printed Charlie Tractor Bookmarks

Step 1

First, print out your bookmarks. I recommend doing this on cardstock so that they hold up when keeping place in your books.


Cut Out Charlie Tractor Bookmarks

Step 2

Next, cut out the individual bookmarks using the the lines as guides.


Hole Punched in Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark

Step 3

After your bookmarks are cut out, use your hole punch to punch a hole over the dot centered at the top.


Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark

Step 4

Now, let your kids color their bookmarks however they like.


Cut Lengths of Yarn Next to Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark

Step 5

While your kids color, cut 3-4 lengths of yarn roughly 6 inches long for each bookmark.


Yarn Pushed Through Hole Punched in Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark

Yarn Knotted Through Hole Punched in Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark

Step 6

After your kids have finished coloring their bookmarks, attach the yarn to the bookmarks by folding them in half and crating a slip knot at the punched hole.


Colored Charlie Tractor Bookmark Next to Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish Book

Incentive to Read

While coloring the bookmarks and simultaneously being read to is great for creating positive connections with reading, I wanted to take it a step further. So, taking inspiration from the multiple kids summer reading programs out there, I came up with my own version. All you need is a pack of stickers and some rewards.


Use your stickers to track books that are read. Every time you read a book together, let your child add a sticker to the back of the bookmark. When the predetermined number of stickers are collected, your kid gets a reward.


You can absolutely buy a small toy set like this to use as rewards. Then, when a bookmark gets filled, your kid gets to choose one reward from the set.

Another, free option, is to write down specific rewards on paper or tags and let your child pick one of those instead. I like this option because you can tailor it for what motivates your child specifically.

If you’re having trouble thinking of rewards ideas, here are a few to get you started :


Charlie Tractor Bookmark Next to Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish Book with text overlay: Free Printable Charlie Tractor Bookmarks + Tips to Keep Kids Reading

Did you ever think that something as simple as these free printable Charlie Tractor bookmarks could help you encourage reading with your little ones? Don’t forget to write out some reward incentives to go along with it. When in doubt, ask your kid. He will certainly have some reward ideas and you can fine-tune them from there.

If you haven’t already checked out Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish, order your copy on Amazon now.

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Collage of Charlie Tractor Bookmark Next to Charlie Tractor and the Big Fish Book with text overlay: Free Printable Charlie Tractor Bookmarks + Tips to Keep Kids Reading


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Keep Your Kids Safe Online with Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

Technology exposure for kids is inevitable in this day and age. Even when I was in grade school we played “learning games” like Oregon Trail on bulky computers with huge floppy disks. If you’re worried about letting your kids have free rein on your phone or their tablets, you’re going to love Amazon FreeTime Unlimited. It is an easy way to keep your kids safe online. If you are not sure on purchasing this just yet, in the mean time, you can always look into these gaming safety tips for parents. This will at least give you some information until you decide.

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Collage of Kids Playing with Tablets with text overlay: Keep Your Kids Safe Online with Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

[bctt tweet=”Keep your kids safe online with tools like Amazon FreeTime Unlimited!” username=”diyadulation”]

I’ll never forget one of my first student teaching classes. It was 5th grade music and we did an entire study in the computer lab. I was blown away, like, computers to teach music? But it was a part of the curriculum.

Fast forward to years later when my kids are in school and they actually have tablets in the classroom for kindergarten. It is even a part of our kids’ lives at home. All 3 of my kids have tablets and love them.

Internet safety is now a core skill we need to teach our kids. It is also something we want to protect them with as much as we can. That’s where Amazon FreeTime Unlimited Comes in.

Babies playing with tablet with text overlay: What is Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

What is Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

When I first saw this, I had no idea it was for or pertaining to kids. Still, I was intrigued so I checked it out. I’m so glad I did because this service is amazing!

Essentially, Amazon FreeTime Unlimited is a monthly subscription for you to keep your kids safe online when they’re on their tablets. It gives you easy-to-use controls that allow you to set screen limits, educational activity goals, and filter content.

What’s In It for the Kids

With Amazon FreeTime Unlimited, kids get free access to their favorite shows, age-appropriate books, and learning activities. They can listen to music and have crazy dance parties. Or they can play games while you’re on the road for practices and outings.

Close up of apps on a screen with text overlay: Works Across Multiple Devices

Works Across Multiple Devices

Amazon FreeTime Unlimited doesn’t just work on your child’s Fire tablet. It also works on your Android or iOS phone, Kindle, and Echo. All the while, you still control all of your child’s limits from your handy parental controls. This is seriously a game-changer when it comes to tools to keep your kids safe online.

How to Get It

If you are thinking about getting your kids a tablet, grab the Fire Kids Edition Tablet because it automatically comes with one year of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited. It’s the best way to get the most bang for your buck if you don’t already have tablets.

If you already own compatible tablets or want to try it out on your phone first, sign up for a free one-month trial. This let’s you find out if it is right for you and your family before committing. Of course, I think you’re going to love it so much, you’ll gladly pay the $2.99 a month subscription after that!

Girl Looking at a Tablet with text overlay: Keep Your Kids Safe Online with Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

Technology integration is here to stay but with tools like Amazon FreeTime Unlimited you can keep your kids safe online. Later, I’ll share my online safety tips to teach your kids before giving them free-rein on the internet. You wouldn’t drop them in the middle of downtown and leave them alone. The same goes for the online world. Until then, give yourself the best resources to keep your kids safe online and grab your free one-month trial of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited!

See where I’m linking up!

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Girl Looking at Tablet with text overlay: Keep Your Kids Safe Online with Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

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Capture Memories with DIY School Year Journals

When I lost my hard drive a few months back, it really got me thinking about other ways to preserve moments from our lives. In addition to having backups (which I did not), there should be more ways to record these fleeting periods of growing up. These DIY school year journals allow us to capture memories from the kids’ perspectives in addition to providing a fun place for kids to record their day. 

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Collage of Green and Pink School Year Journals with text Overlay: Capture Memories with DIY School Year Journals


[bctt tweet=”Capture those precious memories with these DIY school year journals. They are also the perfect easy way to connect with your kids daily after school!” username=”diyadulation”]

I always take a lot of photos but they are small snapshots that don’t tell the entire story. Even through scrapbooking, I’m only preserving my memory of the situation. That’s why we’re starting a new tradition this school year. These DIY school year journals capture the kids’ memories each year from their own perspectives.

In addition to the free printable journaling page, you can also store artwork, writing samples your kid is proud of, and anything else from the school ear your child thinks is important.


Subscriber School Year Journals Opt-In



Grab the Free Undated School Year Journal Page

by Clicking on the Picture Below!

Undated School Year Journal Printable


Pink and Green Soft Cover Binders



First Day of School Printable

Step 1

First, print out multiple copies of the school year journal sheet. I recommend printing out at least 5 at a time so that you enough enough for an entire week.


Don’t Forget:


Pink Binder Covers that Says Brielle K-2018

Step 2

Then label the journal with your child’s name and school grade/year. You can do this in a variety of ways. I tried 2 different techniques to give you some ideas:


Close up of Painted Brielle K-2018

Technique 1


Close up of Green Labeled Binder

Technique 2

Technique 3


Close Up of Sticker Covered Pink Soft Cover Binder

Sticker Covered Green Soft Cover Binder

Step 3

Next, allow your kid to decorate the front of the journal with fun stickers. 


Holes Punched in First Day of School Printable

Step 4

Now, punch holes in the printed journal sheets.


Open Binder with Pens Scattered 2

Step 5

Next, add the journal sheets to the binder. This is also the step to add folders to the binder if you want.


Green and Pink School Year Journals

How to Use Your DIY School Year Journals

Each day, have your child fill out one page of the journal. The journal is a combination of writing and drawing to fit your kid’s creative style. You can help your non-writers by letting them dictate to you.

In addition to recording your kids’ school memories, these also help your kids improve their English and handwriting skills. These DIY school year journals are also a great way to connect with your kids after school beyond the “How was school?”-“Fine.” conversation.


Green and Pink School Year Journals with text Overlay: Capture Memories with DIY School Year Journals

These DIY school year journals will become a wonderful keepsake that you and your children can look back on throughout the years. They also provide a secondary form of memory-keeping that isn’t as fragile as an external hard drive full of photos.

It is always sweet to preserve your child’s memories as they are in this moment. The time goes too fast, these journals are the perfect way to preserve a small piece of them.

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Collage of Green and Pink School Year Journals with text Overlay: Capture Memories with DIY School Year Journals


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