Many children know the story of Noah and the Ark. They know about the animals and the rainbow. From this story they learn the importance of righteousness and about the power and love of God. However, there is another important lesson children can learn from this story that often gets overlooked. This unique Noah’s Ark kids activity teaches the importance of holding to your beliefs through time and opposition.
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[bctt tweet=”Teach kids the importance of holding to their beliefs with this unique Noah’s Ark lesson.” username=”diyadulation”]
Building the ark was a long and labor-intensive task. He didn’t complete the ark overnight. The Biblical text actually suggests that it in fact took many years to finish building the ark (when you take into account that Noah was 500 when he had his sons, 600 when the flood came, and that his sons were married but had not yet had children).
Genesis 6:9
“…Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”
Genesis 6:15
“This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high.”
Use this as a jumping point with your kids. Next, check out this free printable question list to help direct the rest of the lesson.
Last, I always like to end any lesson with an element of fun. For this one we ended with this super fun ark-building competition!

Noah’s ARk Kids activity Materials
Step 1
Using the tape and cardboard, have kids build their own arks.
- For younger children, cut the tops of already assembled small boxes and let them pick one to use. Make sure they have a variety of sizes and types of cardboard as these factors will affect the competition.
Step 2
Then fill your container close to the top with water.
- I recommend doing this outdoors as it can get a little messy.
Step 3
Next, have children place their arks in the water and begin adding plastic animals to each ark one at a time.
Step 4
Continue adding animals to each until only one ark is left floating to complete the competition. The last one floating is the winner!
- I like to give fun faith stickers as a reward, but you can do your own thing of course.
This is such a fun activity to enjoy on a hot day! It also helps keep your kids growing in their faith and understanding of the Bible. Families that build their faith together grow stronger in all areas of life. Enjoy the little things together. You can also add to your fun and amazing summer with these ideas for free summer activities!
See where I’m linking up!
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