Stay Positive in Parenting with these Busted Cards

Parenting is a massive undertaking.  It is a responsibility that we should and do take very seriously.  We are charged with raising these little people into strong, self-assured, and capable adults.  This is not always easy and often we get so caught up in teaching them the rules and keeping them safe that we forget deliberate praise.

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It is important, though, and can do wonders for the entire dynamic of a parent-child relationship.  When you use positive reinforcement it solidifies their desire to continue the desired behavior and also helps you to stay positive as a parent.  When you are seeking out the good in addition to it occurring more frequently, you will also notice it more often.


This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.

This all makes sense in theory but imagine now that your kids have been fighting since breakfast, you were late getting the eldest to school, and nap time was an uphill battle in the afternoon with the babies.  You are stressed, cranky, and by dinner you are ready to snap.  It is a lot harder to remember the importance of positive reinforcement when you’re ready to tear your hair out.  At least it is for me.

I needed something to help me on those really tough days and you likely do too.  After a lot of brainstorming (and trial and error) I was finally able to come up with a solution that I hope will help you and your family as well:  Busted Cards.  These are a simple concept that you can utilize in your everyday life.

This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.


This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.

Step 1

Print out these free Busted cards on a sheet of cardstock and cut them out.


This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.

Step 2

Write each of your children’s names on a card.

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Step 3

When you “bust” them doing something good, punch out one of the holes.


This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.

Bonus Tips:

  1. Keep the cards and hole punch in a clear, re-sealable bag.  When at home, hold it to your fridge with a magnetic clip.  Toss the bag into your purse or diaper bag when on the go.
  2. Each card should last about a week if you try to “bust” your kids 2-4 times a day (which I recommend for it to effectively help you become more positive in your parenting).
  3. Stick with it.  If the end of the day is getting close and you still haven’t punched any holes, don’t give up.  Try to find even small praises for your kids:– Thank you for keeping your elbows off of the table during dinner.– You were so patient while I put your little sister to bed before we read our book.– I love that you came in right away when I told you it was time to stop playing outside.
  4. If you would like to provide extra incentive for your kids, get some small toys and tell them that they get to pick on when they fill up their card.  (You don’t have to tell them it should fill up weekly since that part is more to help you be a positive parent than it is for them to behave better.)


This simple idea can help you stay positive in parenting even on days when you're ready to scream.

How do you stay positive in parenting?  I’d love to hear your tips in the comments!

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DIY Unique Noah’s Ark Kids Activity

Many children know the story of Noah and the Ark.  They know about the animals and the rainbow.  From this story they learn the importance of righteousness and about the power and love of God.  However, there is another important lesson children can learn from this story that often gets overlooked.  This unique Noah’s Ark kids activity teaches the importance of holding to your beliefs through time and opposition.

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Dove Flying in Sky with text overlay - Unique Noah's Ark Kids Activity


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Building the ark was a long and labor-intensive task.  He didn’t complete the ark overnight.  The Biblical text actually suggests that it in fact took many years to finish building the ark (when you take into account that Noah was 500 when he had his sons, 600 when the flood came, and that his sons were married but had not yet had children).

Genesis 6:9

“…Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”

Genesis 6:15

“This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high.”

Use this as a jumping point with your kids.  Next, check out this free printable question list to help direct the rest of the lesson.

Last, I always like to end any lesson with an element of fun.  For this one we ended with this super fun ark-building competition!


Noah's Ark Lesson Materials

Noah’s ARk Kids activity Materials

Step 1

Using the tape and cardboard, have kids build their own arks.


Step 2

Then fill your container close to the top with water.


Step 3

Next, have children place their arks in the water and begin adding plastic animals to each ark one at a time.

Step 4

Continue adding animals to each until only one ark is left floating to complete the competition.  The last one floating is the winner!


This is such a fun activity to enjoy on a hot day! It also helps keep your kids growing in their faith and understanding of the Bible. Families that build their faith together grow stronger in all areas of life. Enjoy the little things together. You can also add to your fun and amazing summer with these ideas for free summer activities!


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Dove Flying in Sky with text overlay - Unique Noah's Ark Kids Activity