DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg

We are back with the Movie Monday Challenge! This month I’m going full nerd with this DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg!

Guess what! It is made with simple materials that come together to create a gorgeous piece of covert nerd decor for your home. Even better, it is a fun way to inject your nerd style into your Easter decor.

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Collage of Harry Potter Golden Egg Pictures with text overlay: DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg


[bctt tweet=”This #DIY #HarryPotter Golden Egg is the most fun egg project you will ever make!” username=”diyadulation”]



Blue Plastic Egg

Step 1

Start with a clean plastic egg. The color doesn’t matter because you will be covering it.


Ball of clay next to plastic egg

Step 2

Next, pull out a piece of air dry clay and roll into a ball as pictured.


Clay covered plastic egg

Step 3

Then flatten your ball of clay and use it to cover your egg. It helps to roll the egg in your hands to evenly spread the clay. Be sure to pinch the seams and flatten them.


lines carved on clay egg

Step 4

Start carving your design with your ultra fine point marker. Carve lines down from a center point on the top of your egg.


Carved Clay Egg

Step 5

Next, carve the building in the picture above starting with the outline then moving onto the smaller details.



Carve Clay Egg

Step 6

Continue carving the design as you see in the photo above. Again, start with the larger outlines and then move on to the smaller details.


Carve Clay Egg

Step 7

Lastly, add the design on the left of the first building you carved. Use the photo above for reference.

Step 8

Repeat carving steps 4 through 7 on the opposite side of your egg.


Carved Clay Egg

Step 9

Finally, carve cross hatched lines along the long vertical carved lines.


Large Oblong Piece of Clay

Step 10

Now pull out a small piece of clay and roll it slightly oblong.


2 small oblong pieces of clay

Step 11

Split your small piece of clay in half.


small flattened piece of clay

Step 12

Next, roll out each half of clay into a rope and flatten. Use the picture above for reference.


Crossed clay on top of clay egg

Step 13

Place the flattened pieces criss-crossed on the top of your egg as pictured.


Carved clay on top of clay egg

Step 14

Add a line down the center of each fourth of your criss-crossed clay pieces.


Carved clay on top of clay egg

Step 15

Then add cross hatches as pictured above.


Close up of small ball of clay

Step 16

Pull out a small piece of clay and roll it into a ball.


circle clay embellishment on clay covered egg

Step 17

Flatten the ball and attach it to the top of your egg.


Decorative top of carved clay egg

Step 18

Finish off your egg with a tiny, flattened clay ball.


Dried carved clay egg

Step 19

Allow the clay to dry completely before moving on. Follow the directions on your packaging. For example, the Crayola clay that I used calls for 2-3 days dry time depending on thickness.



Gold painted carved egg

Step 20

After your clay has dried completely, cover it in gold enamel paint. Let it dry completely.

Step 21 (Optional)

Touch up any areas with gold paint as needed. Mine did not so I skipped this step.

Step 22

Now cover one half of your egg with black acrylic paint. This is easiest if you put a dollop on your finger and spread it over the egg. Pay special attention to the carved areas.


Close up of black paint on carved egg

Step 23

Immediately use a paper towel to wipe off the excess black acrylic paint.


Close up of black paint on carved egg

Step 24

Repeat steps 22 and 23 on the remaining part of your egg.


Close up of black paint on carved egg

Step 25

Allow your paint to dry to completely and you’re good to go!


Harry Potter Golden Egg

Collage of Harry Potter Golden Egg Pictures with text overlay: DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg

This DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg is the most fun egg project I have ever made. It is the perfect new covert nerd decor for your home. Originally I was going to use it as Easter decor but I love it so much it is going to be out year-long.

Now it’s time to check out the other awesome projects my friends made for this month’s Movie Monday Challenge! See all of the creativity at work below.

See where I’m linking up!

On the last (or fourth) Monday of each month, a group of bloggers participate in a #MovieMondayChallenge, hosted by C’mon Get Crafty! We decide on a topic, genre, or specific movie to use for inspiration and everyone gets free reign to create something wonderful!

This month’s challenge was. . . . KIDS! Everyone was allowed to choose their own favorite film so long as it was inspired by the challenge word.

Now let’s see what everyone else was inspired to create for this month’s #MovieMondayChallenge!! If you’d like to join our Facebook group, you can request an invite here.

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Collage of Harry Potter Golden Egg Pictures with text overlay: DIY Harry Potter Golden Egg