2016 Reflections: A Year in Review

As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. Doing so invites feelings of thankfulness to help us realize how blessed we are. We can also reflect on our goals to see what worked and what didn’t. Lastly, it encourages us to see just how far we have come and pushes us to reach farther in the coming year. If you haven’t yet taken the time to, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on your 2016. If you need some inspiration take a look at my 2016 reflections below.


As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. If you haven’t yet, get inspired by taking a look at my 2016 reflections.


[bctt tweet=”As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. Check out mine here! #newyears” username=”diyadulation”]


As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. If you haven’t yet, get inspired by taking a look at my 2016 reflections.


In terms of my personal growth, 2016 has been phenomenal. I have begun to step outside of my comfort zone and grow into a stronger, more confident woman. It took getting knocked down a few times to realize just who and where I wanted to be. One of the greatest accomplishments was becoming more outgoing.

If you read How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions then you know that one of my goals was to be more outgoing overall. That was the scariest of all of my resolutions but also one of the most rewarding. I remember many years ago when I took part in a local Christmas choir. They had a meet and greet party after everyone was cast. I was so painfully shy that I wouldn’t even go to the restroom because I didn’t want to walk across the room and draw attention to myself. Crazy, I know, but the sad truth is that I wasn’t much better than that at the beginning of 2016. I am happy to say that I am a lot more confident and outgoing now. I have also made some wonderful new friends as a result.


As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. If you haven’t yet, get inspired by taking a look at my 2016 reflections.


The way that your family grows and changes in one little year is simply incredible. It is hard to believe that in a few short years all of my kiddos will be in school! Last month I realized how fast it is all going and made the decision to make spending time together a priority. We are now making family dinners and a weekly family night a priority. We love our game nights the best but we’ve also had movie nights, family outings, and more. I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will never regret spending more time with your kids, even when the night is a complete disaster.


As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. If you haven’t yet, get inspired by taking a look at my 2016 reflections.


DIY Adulation has grown leaps and bounds! It is hard to believe I just started this site last year. While I’m not yet earning a full-time income, I am making enough to cover expenses (and seeing steady monthly growth) so that is a huge win in my book.

Unfortunately, as far as building my business, that hasn’t gone far this year. That is one of the areas I will be focusing on for 2017. I am planning on launching 2 big launches later in the year: a course and a second book (you can get a copy of my first book here). These are huge ventures that I am super-excited to undertake!

Top Posts of 2016

  1. Organize Personal Information Now
  2. Top 10 Camping Items You Don’t Know You Need
  3. DIY Car Trash Can
  4. Doctor Who Inspired Greeting Card
  5. Monthly Goal Setting Planner


As we end 2016 and welcome 2017 it is important to reflect on the year. If you haven’t yet, get inspired by taking a look at my 2016 reflections.

It is incredible that so much has happened in a single year. Now that you have seen my 2016 Reflections are you ready to tackle yours? Your reflections don’t have to be super in-depth. In fact, they don’t even have to be written down. Simply take a few minutes today before your festivities tonight to reflect on your year. You might be surprised at how much you have accomplished. If you aren’t, check out the free Monthly Goal Setting Planner to make 2017 your best year yet!

Vision Boards Are Not Intuitive

Sometimes you take on a project that seems simple but turns out to be fairly difficult for you.  This can be a recipe you are making for the first time or a DIY project that isn’t cooperating.  For me last week, it was creating a vision board.  I saw all of these beautiful vision boards on Facebook that, frankly, could have been considered works of art (they were that gorgeous).  I had never made a vision board before but I believe in the concept behind them and thought, “How hard could it be?”  It turns out, very!  Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me.  If you are struggling, too, take heart that you are not alone.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.


[bctt tweet=”Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern for making one! #visionboard”]


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

Getting Started

I sat down on my living room floor after the kids went to bed armed with:

I had New Girl on Netflix to try to channel my inner Jessica Day and began flipping through magazines.  If you read How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions then you know I already had my goals for the years.  To provide continuity of vision I was looking for quotes and images in the magazine that represented those existing goals.  About thirty magazines in I only had 3-4 pictures pulled out.  It was then that I realized I had no idea what I was doing!


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

Researching Vision Boards

What’s the first thing you do when you want to learn how to do something immediately?  You Google it.  So that’s what I did.  Want to know what I learned?

There is no hard and fast way to create a vision board.

I love lists and specific, defined steps when doing anything new.  Those lists don’t seem to exist for vision boards.  To help you out, here is the best list I could discern from my research:

Wait… Huh?  So a vision board can be anything made out of anything to focus on anything.  Oh… Now I get it.  Not!  In the end, I decided to go with this Huffington Post article by Elizabeth Rider to use as a guide.

Finishing the Vision Board

My vision board has 4 focal points (one in each corner):

Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

Personal Growth

Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

Once I got all of the pictures and quotes on the board, it still wasn’t inspiring.  I had to figure out a way to make it something I would want to look at.  How did I do that?  I added Hello Kitty of course!  Once she was on there, the rest of the vision started falling into place.  I added flowers for a 3-dimensional pop and glitter because no project is complete without glitter.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.


Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

Apparently vision boards are not intuitive, at least, not for me. Here is the best list I could discern from my research about how to make a vision board.

The process of making vision boards can be challenging but chances are, you will learn something about yourself whether it is what your goals look like to you or what truly inspires you.  I, for instance, learned I cannot be inspired by anything that isn’t pretty.  This experience also cemented my belief that Hello Kitty really does make everything better.  Have you made a vision board yet?  What did you learn about yourself in the process?

See where I’m linking up!


How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet?  Chances are that you have at least thought about them even if you haven’t decided to commit.  Think about those resolutions on your mind right now.  Perhaps you are planning to get in shape this year or eliminate debt.  Maybe you are hesitant to make any resolutions this year because you never keep them.  Do the goals you have look pretty much the same as they did last New Year’s?  Decide now to make this year different!  Keep your New Year’s resolutions this time around using these easy tips and free worksheet.

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How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!


[bctt tweet=”How to actually keep your #NewYears #resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!”]

Write Your List

When you first write out your resolutions, simply put whatever comes to mind.  It is okay to be very general and it is okay to have 10+ ideas on your list.  The only distinction I recommend making in the first step is to write separate lists for each your personal and professional goals.  Once you have a rough sketch of your goals, start on step 2.

Whittle Down Your List

If you have a ton of goals you would like to accomplish in the coming year, pare down your list.  Try to get down to no more than 4 or 5 goals on each list (personal and professional).  More than that will cause you to lose stamina and focus as the year wears on.  This year I’ve chosen 4 resolutions for my personal life:

Categorizing your goals can help give you a clear picture of where you most want to improve.  In addition to those listed above, think about these categories as well:


How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!

Define Actionable Steps

In order to truly be successful with your New Year’s resolutions you need more than just a general concept (like losing weight).  Take the time to define specific, actionable steps that you can take to achieve your resolutions.  Use this free printable New Year’s Resolutions worksheet to break down each of your resolutions into four parts: Materials Needed, Time Needed, Specified Activities, and Mini-Goals.

To give you an idea of what these worksheets should look like filled out here are 2 examples from my own resolutions:


How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!

Daily Yoga

Materials: The only materials needed for yoga are a mat and some form of learning/practicing the moves.  Because I used to do yoga every morning, I already own a mat and some DVD’s to work with.  I personally love any of the Yoga Zone DVD’s but you can also simple search on YouTube and find free workouts there.

Time: The only time needed for this is 20 minutes in the beginning because that it how long a workout lasts on my videos.  This is why it is important to define your materials first.  If you find a free workout video online, it may last only 15 minutes or it may last 30.  Take this into account when determining how much time will be needed.

Activities: Since daily yoga is fairly straight-forward and because I will be using videos that walk through an entire workout, there is no need to define specific activities.  If you plan to simply work through positions on your own, you might have variations of poses that get progressively more difficult and intense.  If you do not own a mat, shopping for one would be an activity to go on your list.

Mini-Goals: Your mini-goals section should never, ever be empty.  Mini-goals is the section that takes the information from the other columns and turns it into specific, measurable goals that can be accomplished.  This is the key component to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions.  Your mini-goals need to start small.  As you can see above, I will have to start getting up 30 minutes earlier each day in order to work daily yoga into my schedule.  Since I am not a morning person, my very first mini-goal is to get up at 6 am every morning for a week.  I am not changing anything else about my schedule in that first week other than my wake time.  This is small, measurable, and specific.  As the mini-goals progress they being building to bigger and bigger goals yet still remain specific and measurable. 


How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!

Become More Outgoing

Materials: There are no materials needed for me to work on this resolution.  I decided to create my own activities and challenges for myself to push me outside of my comfort zone.  If you need some direction or ideas, however, your materials list might include some books or a journal.

Time: The time required for this is minimal.  It might break down to possibly an hour a week.  Again, this was based on my materials, or lack thereof.  If you have a book you plan to read, you time required might be upwards of 20+ minutes per day spent reading and completing activities.

Activities: The specified activities for this were easy to come up with because I already know what activities make me uncomfortable.  For example, I am so shy that instead of speaking up and saying, “Excuse me” in a store to someone blocking the aisle, I will just wait for them to be done.  (For the record, I have already been working on this and I have already gotten much better.)  That’s why I chose to specify that I have to engage with a stranger when shopping.  I also love to sing and dance but when I’m in the car I get embarrassed if I think someone saw me.  For that reason, I am now challenging myself to always give it my all when singing and dancing in the car.

Mini-Goals: The mini-goals for this are more about creating a change of behavior so they do not build on each other.  The weekly goals will be consistent throughout the year however they are still small, specific, and measurable.  They will help create an accountability that will lead to the end result of a change in behavior.


How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!

Using these tips and free worksheet, there will be nothing holding you back this year!  Keep your New Year’s resolutions so that next year you can create new ones (that you’ll already have to tools to help you keep).  Use resolutions as tools to start being the person you want to be living the life you want to live!  What are your resolutions?  If you didn’t plan on having any, have I helped change your mind?  Let me know in the comments!

See where I’m linking up!