Welcome to Day 10 of our 12 Days of Christmas blog hop. Today we are sharing our holiday tables. A gorgeous holiday table is something more moms only dream about. Let’s face it, those intricately designed and decorated holiday tables just aren’t conducive to busy moms with tiny munchkins. Although you can’t have those fancy place settings at this stage in life, you can still have a beautiful table for Christmas. A friend of mine recommended that I check out an extending glass dining table for this years festivities, but this is how I created my easy family-friendly holiday table along with tips to create your own this season.
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Welcome to the third annual 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop!
Stop by every day from December first through the twelfth for new ideas you can use to make your season brighter!
Meet Your Hosts
They have all been busy as Elves creating, decorating, cooking and crafting tons of new ideas for you to try this holiday season!
Shirley~Intelligent Domestications I Alli~An Alli Event I Michelle~Our Crafty Mom I Marie~DIY Adulation
Erlene~My Pinterventures I Beverly~Across The Blvd. I Debra~Shoppe No. 5 I Victoria~Dazzle While Frazzled
Megan~C’mon Get Crafty I Michelle~Michelle James Designs I Amanda~Domestically Creative
Deborah~Salvage Sister & Mister I Jeanie~Create & Babble I Sherry~Olives & Okra
Jenny~Cookies Coffee & Crafts I Emily~Domestic Deadline I Bonbon~Farmhouse 40
Leanna~Of Faeries & Fauna I Pam Larmore~P.S. I Love You Crafts I Kelly~North Country Nest I
Marie~The Inspiration Vault I Gail~Purple Hues and Me I Lynne~My Family Thyme I
Karen~Dragonfly and Lily Pads I Trisha~Blowing Away Out West Lorrin~Embrace The Perfect Mess I
Terri~Christmas Tree Lane I Sam~Raggedy Bits I Cyn~Creative Cynchronicity Valeria~Val Event Gal
Yami~The Latina Next Door I Tania~Little Vintage Cottage I Lauren~Wonderfully Made
Vanessa~DIY 180 I Kimberly~A Wonderful Thought I Kim~Everyday Parties I Dru~Polka Dot Poplars

[bctt tweet=”Find out how to created an easy family-friendly #holidaytable this season with these tips!” username=”diyadulation”]

Start with a Tablecloth
The absolute easiest way to create a family-friendly holiday table is a festive tablecloth. If you’re worried about spills you can go with a felt lined plastic one. Personally, I’m a fan of cloth ones at Christmas. They might get a few spills but stain-fighters are fantastic in this day and age. They can handle it.

Simple Centerpiece
To create a family-friendly holiday table, keep it simple. A small centerpiece is perfect to add some holiday décor without overwhelming little ones. You also don’t want to use your expensive décor because accidents happen. I used this DIY Gold Foiled Luminary and some glass elements I picked up at the Dollar Tree.
Bonus Tips:
- My kids tend to pull on table runners so I used a fake snow wrap that I found at Hollar for a dollar! It doesn’t hang off of the edges of our table but still created that runner effect.
- You can also add fresh fruit for an extra burst of color on your table. Make them a part of your centerpiece!

Use Faux Flowers
Busy moms don’t have time to keep changing out fresh floral arrangements all month long. The petals can also cause additional mess for you to clean off of the table each day. Faux flowers make your life easier.
Bonus Tip:
- Hide those faux stems in the vase by filling it with additional leaves around the stem.

Skip the Place Settings
Instead of using fancy place settings, opt for extra festive placemats. They add the festive touch to your table without fear of tiny hands breaking them. Your kids will also love them a lot more than fine china and place cards.

Now you can still enjoy a festive dining table for Christmas even with little ones in the house. These tips for an easy family-friendly holiday table allow you to create a gorgeous table without worry. If you have a formal dining room that still needs decorating you are in luck. Check out the holiday tables from my friends for amazing ideas and beautiful décor. Then come back tomorrow for ideas to get your porch ready for Christmas.
See where I’m linking up!
Be sure to visit our fellow 12 Days of Christmas Bloggers below for even more creative ideas this holiday season!

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