Unique Ways to Get Holiday Gifts

A limited budget can force you to get extremely creative when it comes to getting your holiday gifts.  You are forced to think so far outside of the box that you can’t even see the box anymore.  It can be hard to shift your thinking to maximize your holiday.  To help get you started, here are 3 unique ways to get holiday gifts this year.

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Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!


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Use Personal Activities


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!


If there are any activities you take place in, don’t overlook these as potential ways to get holiday gifts. For example, I love to scrapbook and each year I attend a couple of events. I am automatically entered to win one of the door prizes. In addition to that I typically spend $10-$20 on raffle tickets because these events are always for charity. These raffle prizes can make great gifts and I keep that in mind when entering. In September, I attended a crop that cost me $40 to attend plus the additional $20 I spent on raffle tickets. At this event I won 4 prizes (for the record, this is not typical). Here is the breakdown of the value of the event as well as the value of the prizes.

  • 12 Hours of Scrapbooking, child-free (Priceless in my book)
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner ($25 value)
  • Door Prize: Tastefully Simple Cooler filled with food and drink mixes ($35 value)


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!

  • 1st Raffle: Autumn Scrapbook Gift Basket with an additional $20 gift card ($60 value)


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!

  • 2nd Raffle: Back to School set with Smash Journal ($50)


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!

  • 3rd Raffle: Instax Camera and Film ($100)
  • Total Value: $270.00!!

This is just an example to keep in mind at the next event you attend whether it is a craft event or a golf scramble.  Think outside the box and keep a holiday gift mindset, especially this time of year.  Don’t limit yourself to traditional ways of getting gifts.


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!

Have a Girl’s Night

Get some much needed time with the girls and get some of your holiday gifts made at the same time.  Grab some wine and some craft supplies to assemble gifts together.  This is also great when only one of the girls in your circle of friends owns larger tools you may need such as a sewing machine or a Cricut.  Before getting together, be sure to determine the gift you will be making and what supplies each lady is responsible for bringing to the party.  Batch gifts make great ideas for these nights.  Here are two examples to get you thinking:

  • Card Sets – Each person is in charge of one specific card style.  For example, you might be in charge of thank you cards and your friend will make the sympathy cards.  At the end of the night you assemble the sets using one of each card and each lady leaves with sets to give as gifts.
  • Scarves – These are another great craft idea for a girl’s night.  If you and your friends knit or crochet, bring your supplies and work on your gifts together.  If you don’t knit or crochet, have each guest bring some fabric of her choice and sew infinity scarves.  Delegate tasks (such as cutting fabric, pinning scarves, and sewing projects) to each friend.


Don't miss these 3 unique ideas to get gifts this year for the friends on your holiday list!

Host a Cookie Swap

Cookie and treat tins make excellent hostess gifts during the holidays as well as gifts for teachers and coworkers.  Have your guests bring their favorite treats and assemble gift tins for everyone to give as gifts.  If you want to turn it into a longer event, you can also choose to have everyone bring the ingredients to make the treats and turn it into a baking party.  The caveat of this is that is can easily become an event over 5 hours long so be prepared for that when choosing this option.

Again, there are hundreds of unique ways to get your holiday gifts.  These ideas are just the starting point to help get you thinking.  Customize these ideas and make them your own.  Also, don’t miss how to get your gifts totally free to help you even more.

See where I’m linking up!

  31 Days of Saving on Holiday Gifts: the free course to help you have you best holiday season yet! From building a strong budgetary foundation to finding small and large ways to save, this will help you knock your holiday gifts out of the park without breaking the bank!                                                     Check out #write31days

Missed the introduction to this series?                 Find out more about #write31day

Click 31 Days of Saving on Holiday Gifts.
