Princess and the Pony Painted Sweater Craft

Reading with your child is such an important activity. It brings you closer, improves his or her skills, and provides many opportunities for important conversations. That is why I take part in the Monthly Crafting Book Club every month. (You can see previous months on the Kid Crafts page.) The book for this month is The Princess and the Pony. I had never heard of this book before but I must say that it is spectacular! The story is adorable and the illustrations even more so. The best part is that it easily lends itself to this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

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Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!


[bctt tweet=”Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft! #books #kidscraft” username=”diyadulation”]


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!


Step 1

Create a workspace for your child to work on. This is a messy craft and you don’t want to ruin your table. Cover it with a tablecloth or newspaper to protect it.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 2

Keep your kids’ clothes safe with an apron, like this kid decorated apron.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 3

Lay the sweatshirt flat on your work surface.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 4

Put a piece of cardboard inside the sweatshirt to protect the back from any paint that might bleed through.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 5

Put a selection of paint colors on the palettes and let your kiddos go nuts.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 6

Allow the sweatshirt to dry for at least 12 hours.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 7

Throw the painted sweatshirt in the dryer on high for a full cycle. This sets the paint.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Step 8

Wash and dry like normal.


Reading with your child brings you closer, improves skills, and is fun! Enjoy The Princess and the Pony with this fun and messy painted sweater craft!

Your kids will love making this painted sweater craft after reading The Princess and the Pony. They will love wearing it and showing it off even more. While they are creating it, take the opportunity to ask them if they have ever been disappointed in a gift they received. Ask them how they handled it and if they eventually enjoyed it. Follow up the questions by telling them about a time you were upset by a gift you received and how you dealt with it. Once you’ve finished this craft go check out the other awesome Princess and the Pony crafts from my friends!

See where I’m linking up!