Kids love Christmas morning. Their excitement is palpable in the day (and sometimes weeks) leading up to the main event. Unfortunately, parents are usually up late on Christmas Eve finishing all of those final details needed. The stockings need to be filled, the gifts from Santa wrapped under the tree, and cookies need to be eaten. While kids are lying in bed anxiously anticipating that magical morning, parents could stand to have a few more hours of sleep. While I don’t have the secret to getting your kids to sleep later (although I’m totally open to suggestions), I do have some tips to make Christmas morning easier for you.
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[bctt tweet=”These tips make Christmas morning easier and help you catch a few more zzz’s on the big morning. #Christmastips”]
1. Wrap Gifts in Unique Paper
If you have multiple Christmas events to attend, make it easier to quickly differentiate presents. Wrap each family’s gifts in a different, unique paper. When it’s time to pack up gifts for each event, simply grab all of the gifts under the tree wrapped in that paper. This also makes it easier on your kids Christmas morning. Let them know which paper is for your family and the rest stay under the tree until the event.
2. Let Kids Open Stockings
Put a rule in place that your kids can open their stockings without you. This will buy you a few more moments of sleep in the morning. Be sure to set limits on how many pieces of candy can be consumed in advance with your kids. This is another reason these frugal stocking stuffer ideas are great ideas to prevent stockings simply filled with candy.

3. Prep the Night Before
Make the early morning as easy on you as you can by doing prep work the night before. Make a breakfast casserole that can be thrown in the oven while you’re opening gifts. Get the coffee pot ready so that you can just hit a button for your morning caffeine. Any early morning staples you and your family have, prep as much as you can on Christmas Eve. This makes being a zombie in the morning slightly easier.
4. Get Electronics Ready
Make sure you have extra batteries or that the batteries are charged for your cameras. Empty micro SD cards to ensure that you have plenty of space for Christmas photos. Check and test all of these things a few days prior to Christmas so that you can get any replacements or repairs before stores are closed.
5. Empty Receptacles
There is a lot of waste on Christmas morning between wrapping paper, bows, tags, and item packaging. Be prepared by taking out your trash and emptying recycling containers the night before. This will make clean-up much easier on the big day.
6. Get Tools Ready
A lot of toys need to be assembled and some gifts just have tricky, hard-to-open packaging. Get tools ready (or at least located) on Christmas Eve. Some good tools to have ready are:
Basic tools like these will be immensely handy on Christmas morning.

These tips can make Christmas morning easier and help you catch a few more zzz’s. What other ways do you make Christmas morning easier for your family? Let me know in the comments!
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