Free Printable Letters to Santa for Big and Little Kids

The tradition of writing letters to Santa is such a fun way to add to the magic of the holidays. Sometimes kids can get a little carried away with the wish list. These awesome printable letters to Santa are a perfect solution. These are pretty but they also limit your child’s list automatically with a pre-defined area to fill out. Start a fun and easy tradition this year to create memories that will last for years to come!

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Start a fun and easy tradition this year with these free printable letters to Santa. Don't worry. There are options for big kids and non-writers!


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Start a fun and easy tradition this year with these free printable letters to Santa. Don't worry. There are options for big kids and non-writers!

Santa Letter for Older Children

Don’t just have your child make a list of gifts he or she wants. Instead help your kids learn about writing letters and have them include a fun greeting or let Santa know how their holiday is going. Don’t forget to have them with Santa a “Merry Christmas” and/or a thank you! Grab your free printable here to get started.


Start a fun and easy tradition this year with these free printable letters to Santa. Don't worry. There are options for big kids and non-writers!

Santa Letter for Non-Writers

The window of time that kids believe in Santa seems to keep getting smaller. That is why I recommend starting traditions early. Don’t wait until your kids can write to start sending letters to Santa. Print out this Santa Letter for non-writers and have your little ones draw pictures of their wish lists. If you want to hold on to the memories be sure to write down what the picture is on the back of the letter.


Start a fun and easy tradition this year with these free printable letters to Santa. Don't worry. There are options for big kids and non-writers!

Preserve the Memories

Because this magical time of belief is so short, create a wonderful surprise for your kids when they are older. Hold on to all of these letters. Don’t worry about a complicated system or losing them in a box. Grab a small 3-ring binder for each of your children (1 inch or smaller) and a pack of plastic page protectors. Label each binder so you know which binder belongs to whom and add in 12 page protectors. If you can get your kiddos to believe longer kudos to you! Feel free to add a few extra page protectors to each binder in that case. Lastly, each year add the letters to a sheet protector and label the year. A binder full of these memories will be an awesome gift later in life for your kids.

This is such an easy tradition to start that can gift you and your children memories for years to come. The earlier you start this tradition the better. Our 2 year old will be starting this year even though a lot of his drawings consist of scribbles. They all mean something to him and he can articulate what it’s supposed to be a picture of. There a good chance you will want to make copies of all of your children’s letters to Santa to keep for yourself long after your kids are grown. Do your kids send letters to Santa? What other traditions does your family love taking part in each year? Let me know in the comments. I love reading about what makes your family unique!

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