DIY Shimmery Ice Cream Soaps | Stocking Stuffer Idea

Are you tired of stocking full of junk that your kids don’t need? Even when you fill them with gifts that aren’t candy, you still find the small toys and art supplies broken all over the house. This year, add a little something kids will love but is still practical like these DIY shimmery ice cream soaps.

Collage of Ice Cream Soaps with text overlay - DIY Shimmery Ice Cream Soaps

Welcome to Day 12 of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!

DIY Christmas Ideas and Recipes you can use this year! DIY Christmas Decor and Games Ideas #12daysofChristmas

We have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you a oodles of DIY Ideas and Recipes to make your holiday season merrier. There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!

GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!

It’s Day 12 and we are ready to Hang the Stockings by the Chimney with Care!

Ice Cream Soap without Stick next to Sprinkles

I can’t believe it’s the last day of this year’s 12 Days of Christmas blog hop. This has been so much fun and absolutely inspiring. If you’ve missed any of the days, you can find a complete list of projects right here.

Since we’re getting down to the wire on Christmas I wanted to end with a super easy stocking stuffer idea. Too often, we get caught up in finding the perfect gift that we forget all about the stockings. These DIY shimmery ice creams soaps are a super quick and easy gift you can whip up in time for Christmas.

In case you don’t have all of the materials, I’ve included links to all of them on Amazon so that you can get them quickly and finish off your list before the big day. 


Ice Cream Soaps with Sticks Wrapped in Cellophane

DIY Shimmery Ice Creams Soaps Materials


Block of Melt and Pour Goats Milk Soap

Step 1

First, measure out 4.5 oz. of your soap base.


Shredded Goats Milk Soap

I use an old cheese grater to grate my soap base so that it melts more quickly. This also makes it much easier to get the exact amount that you need.


Step 2

Next, place your 4.5 oz. of soap base into your pouring pot.


Step 3

Then measure out 2 oz. of unrefined shea butter and add it into your pouring pot as well.


Step 4

Add a half inch of water to a sauce pot and bring it to a boil.


Step 5

After your water is boiling, turn the heat down to medium and place your filled pouring pot inside.


Step 6

Next, melt your soap base and shea butter, stirring frequently.


Orange Melted Soap in Pouring Pot

Step 7

Once your soap and shea butter are melted, add in .1 oz of orange mica powder (or whatever color you want) and stir until combined.


If you use the set that I link to above, that’s an entire bag.


Step 8

Next, stir in 10-15 drops of orange essential oil.


Close Up of Ice Cream Pops Molds

Step 9 (Optional)

Place your sticks in place on your mold.



Close Up of Filled Ice Cream Pops Molds

Step 10

Now, pour your melted base into your molds. Again, if not using the sticks, only fill them about halfway (just to the bottom of the stick opening).


Lid on Ice Cream Pops Molds

Step 11

Add the lid to your mold to protect your soaps while they cool.


Ice Cream Soaps with Sticks Wrapped in Cellophane

Step 12

Lastly, after your soaps have cooled completely, remove them from the molds and wrap in cellophane to gift!

You can absolutely freeze these if necessary to ensure that they come cleanly out of the molds. Let them cool about 20 minutes before freezing so that bubbles and other imperfections can settle beforehand.


Ice Cream Soaps with Sticks Wrapped in Cellophane with text overlay - DIY Shimmery Ice Cream Soap

These DIY shimmery ice cream soaps are the perfect no-junk stocking stuffers that kids will totally love. They also make fantastic classroom gifts or even party favors. Before you head to Amazon to order your supplies, it’s time to check out the other awesome stocking ideas from my friends below!

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Pink Ice Cream Soaps with text overlay - DIY Shimmery Ice Cream Soaps

Scroll down for even more Christmas Stocking Ideas you can use this holiday season!

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