You are totally amazing! I received so much incredible feedback last week about the cover options for the upcoming Build Your Marriage journal. Your comments, suggestions, votes, and input all helped to totally transform the cover into the perfect representation of what the journal is all about. I don’t want to keep you waiting so before anything else I present to you the finalized Build Your Marriage journal cover:

It is so perfect and your feedback was truly invaluable! In addition, a ton of you made inquiries as to when the journal will be available and how to get your hands on it (all of which will be shared next week). Today, though, I have a special treat for you that I know you are going to love. Keep reading to find out what it is.
[bctt tweet=”#BuildYourMarriage has a cover! See the cover reveal and find out how this weekly journal can help build and strengthen your marriage!”]
Growing up, my best friend’s little sister struggled immensely with interpersonal skills and behavior issues. To help her mom out their psychologist recommended starting a journal to promote better and more meaningful communication between them. It was a great way for each of them to share their feelings (and frustrations) openly and honestly without getting tripped up on words or risking interruption.
If you are interested in reading more about this method check out the following articles:
If a shared journal can help you communicate with a willful and often naïve teen, imagine what it could do for your marriage! Unfortunately, if you search for a guided marriage journal you don’t find options that truly build your marriage. Instead, they are about documenting the events that have already happened (or listing A-Z reasons you love your spouse). Communication is key in any relationship and it broke my heart that something like Build Your Marriage didn’t already exist.
It is so easy with the demands on your time to put building your marriage on the back burner. That is exactly where this journal can help. It has weekly journal prompts for husbands and wives to answer. The prompts are then followed up with a weekly action. Not only is it not all-consuming of your time, it is guided which takes the onus off of you and your spouse to come up with ideas.

Free Sneak Peak
Build Your Marriage isn’t being released until February but I don’t want you to wait to start on something so important. That is why I am giving you Week 1 for free right now! Simply click on the picture below to download your free week one prompt and action (this is right out of the journal so you’ll be getting a head start).

I know that one week simply isn’t enough for some of you. You want more and that’s awesome! Get a free PDF download of the first 4 weeks plus be the first to know when Build Your Marriage is available when you sign up below. That’s one whole month of strengthening your marriage absolutely free! Why give it away for free? Because that is how passionate I am about helping you build your marriage! I want you to not only succeed but thrive in your relationship!
[mc4wp_form id=”2808″]
See where I’m linking up