Build Your Marriage Journal Is Available!

It’s here! It’s here! Have you ever had a project that you believed in so much that you poured your entire heart and soul into? For me that project is the Build Your Marriage Journal and guys, I seriously cried knowing that it’s finally here!

You can officially get your hands on a copy so that you can start building your marriage together with your spouse.  Some of you may have already tried the prompts and I’d love for you to share your experiences in the comments. If you haven’t gotten your free sample yet, you can get it here.

The Build Your Marriage Journal is a tool to help you and your spouse reopen and/or deepen the lines of communication between each other one week at a time.


[bctt tweet=”It’s here! Get your hands on your copy of the #BuildYourMarriage Journal! “]

What is the Build Your Marriage Journal?

The Build Your Marriage Journal is a joint journal that you and your spouse fill out together. You will find weekly prompts inspired by quotes that you and your spouse respond to separately. In addition to the weekly prompts, there are weekly actions for you to complete that take your journal prompts to the next level.

“This journal is a tool to help you and your spouse reopen and/or deepen the lines of communication between each other one week at a time. The prompts illicit unique responses to stimulate a more in-depth knowledge of you and your partner.

It leads to a deeper understanding of how you both think and feel. It begins to connect you more with each other in a way that leads to understanding. This understanding helps to diminish fighting and when fights do occur they can be discussed openly and resolved more easily.

All of this ultimately leads to increased intimacy both intellectually and physically with your spouse.”


The Build Your Marriage Journal is a tool to help you and your spouse reopen and/or deepen the lines of communication between each other one week at a time.

See the Facts

The Build Your Marriage Journal is a tool to help you and your spouse reopen and/or deepen the lines of communication between each other one week at a time.

Where to Get the Build Your Marriage Journal

There are currently 2 places that you can grab your copy of the Build Your Marriage Journal:

Purchase through CreateSpace and get 20% off using the code: ZCQGH26V

Want a chance to win a free copy?! Enter below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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