In the weeks since Save on Holiday Gifts and Prevent Overspending went life, I have received tons of feedback about the issues you struggle with when it comes to trying to save money on holiday gifts. Some of you have trouble sticking to a budget even after making it. Some of you get caught at the last minute, gift-less, and have to find something NOW no matter if you have to overpay or not. Some of you simply do not have the time to make a bunch of handmade gifts. Some of you are so overwhelmed with your list that you don’t even know where to begin to budget.
It breaks my heart to see so many of you struggling to financially deal with the holiday season. For that reason, I have decided to take part in the #write31days challenge in order to give you the tools you need to save on your holiday gifts (and to extend that help to everyone I can through an awesome network of amazing people). Each day in October I will give you the tools to help you save this year on your holiday gifts! These tips will help anyone save, whether you need to buy all of your gifts or have the spare time to make them. No matter how you plan to get your gifts, the absolute first thing you have to do is make a budget. Having a budget will set the foundation for the rest of your holiday gift-buying.
Where Do We Start
Because a budget is so crucial that is where we will start on October 2! I am so pumped to help you on your holiday journey that I’m including all kinds of bonuses for you, but more on that later! The next thirty days will run like a mini-course for you so that you will start with a solid foundation in the beginning that we will build upon over the next weeks. By the end, you will be ready to knock your holiday gifts out of the park without breaking the bank!
How I Know This Works
I have been using these tips for years and this year I have set my most ambitious holiday budgeting goal yet: $500 for 30 people! If it seems impossible, it’s not! I will show you how I am doing it and give you the tools you need to do it, too. Most importantly, I will give it to you straight. I will tell you which ways are going to save you the most and which tips will help you save the most you can for your lifestyle. (Oh, and want to know a little secret? I’m already diving in to our Christmas list this year and I have tons completed while coming in way under budget!)
Don’t Forget the Bonuses
Okay, remember those bonuses I mentioned earlier? They will include a free printable gift budgeting and planning worksheet, exclusive tutorials, additional worksheets throughout the month, and an exclusive deal at the end of the 31 days! Pretty sweet, right? If you want access to all of this and exclusive notifications when the next tip is live, sign up below:
Did I mention that this is an exclusive list only for the 31 Days series? This is totally separate from our regular subscriber list so if you’re already a subscriber you won’t be getting the exclusive course content unless you sign up here. If you’re not a subscriber (though we’d love to have you become one) when you subscribe to the series, you will only receive the 31 Days of Saving on Holiday Gifts updates and exclusives.
I am so excited to kick this off with you guys and I can’t wait to dive in! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
[bctt tweet=”31 Days of Saving on Holiday Gifts: the free course to help you knock your holiday gifts out of the park without breaking the bank! #write31days #DIYholidayChallenge”]
Don’t Worry if You Can’t Catch a Post On Release Day
You can always come back to it here. There will be a running list of all of the posts in the series.